Blog Hop: Friday Fill-ins #5

  1. I want to make something valuable in my life.
  2. My friends are people from all around the world.
  3. A day in my life always includes walking.
  4. Good things happen to those who behave well.

I’m having much pleasure of joining a blog hop, hosted by Ms. Ellen of 15andmeowing  & Ms. Lorianne of Fourleggedfurballs for the fifth time.

This week they have asked these questions. (Ms. Ellen asked the first two fill-in-the-blank questions and Ms. Lorianne the later two – our answers are underlined.) If you don’t want to write a blog post, you can simply answer in the comments section. These were the original questions:

1. I want to make ___________________. 

2. My _________________ are _____________. 

3. A day in my life always includes _________.

4. Good things happen to those who _________.

I’m also joining Comedy Plus’s Feline Friday and Friendly Fillins.

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Have a nice weekend!

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6 thoughts on “Blog Hop: Friday Fill-ins #5

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  1. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I really appreciate how you answered #1, and I hope the same thing for myself. And what a gorgeous kitty!

    Liked by 1 person

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